OPES is an Italian organization that promotes sports
Our goal is to inspire and empower Sport and the Third Sector, in Italy and in Europe.

Our projects
Here are some sports promotion projects we have developed, some as project leader, others as a partner.
Born in 1980, today OPES is a national Third Sector Network and a Sports Promotion Body recognized by CONI.
Promotes and organizes, non-profit, small and large events and sporting, cultural, social promotion, voluntary, training and recreational projects, of a local, national and international character, with the aim of promoting integration, social inclusion, education, aggregation and all those values that can bring benefits to the community.
Each initiative aims to leave a new awareness to the country: the search for the common good for oneself, for the territory and for society.

The latest sports promotion news from the OPES world and its partners around the world.