An evaluation meeting for the project “A hat trick for inclusion” was held in Marseille the 21st and 22sd of November, hosted by the Eurocircle Association.
The meeting was conducted as follows: first of all it began with a brief parenthesis for introductions to let all the participants present themselves, as some of them were not familiar with each other up until that moment. The hosting association, in particular, introduced itself and briefly explained some of the projects it is involved with.
Then the meeting followed with the displaying of the local activities that were carried out by the different participants.
In Sardinia the local team created various sports initiatives that aimed to make children reflect on the important topic of Human Rights. Not only this group developed activities with children – during the summer period – but it also implemented a brief formation with some trainers that already did or that are going to do all sorts of activities with children.
Subsequently, the meeting followed with the presentation of two activities that were carried out in Calabria.
The first one was a workshop focusing on gender equality: it consisted in a first part dedicated to quizzes focusing on women and sports, whose goal was to make the participants reflect on the subject. This was then followed by a small tournament of football with mixed teams.
The second activity implemented by the team in Calabria coincided with last year’s World Human Rights Day to raise awareness on the topic. More specifically, a sign reading “behind this sign there is a Human Rights violation” was put in front of a bar, and the people who went behind it to check would find another writing saying: “Just because you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean they are not violated”.
Furthermore, during this event a series of examples regarding the territory were made, both some of violation of Human Rights in Calabria and some positive examples of good practices of promotion of Human Rights.
In the end there was a small treasure hunt where people would have to find clues online that would lead them to find a torch that served symbolically to enlight Human Rights.
The other activity that was presented during this meeting was carried out in France: here the local teams held different workshops focusing on the problem of hate speech and its consequences in the sports field, also including some examples of possible ways to prevent and fight it.

The last part of the meeting in Marseille was dedicated to a workshop held by Giulia and Alfonso. It focused on the serious problem of bullying, and it made people reflect on the importance of empathy: each one of the participants had a badge with their name on it and a practical skill chosen by themselves. This badge was then passed on to the next participant, who had to try to imagine being the person to whom that badge belonged and try to figure out what difficulties that person might incur or might have incurred in performing that activity. After a session of feedback, the last part of this workshop was dedicated to the planning of the communication campaign, in which the team worked on the promotion of videos that are going to be published online.